3 Ways to get Kids to do their chores

kids real estate investor Aug 09, 2021

Having a 13 year old gamer isn't easy. The all night sessions, the loud rants with other children overseas and even the occasional 3 “no shower” stint is an even harder task.  

I have set screen times for him so he isn't just in front of the computer all the time but even that doesn't seem like enough. Until I discovered that the thing my son loves more than gaming is Money !!! He especially likes to earn it and not have to share it with his sister. 

So instead of paying an allowance. I pay him on commission.The word “allowance” in my head doesn't really set the tone for how real life will work . Even the word “allowance” implies a child is entitled to a certain amount of money just for living and breathing. That way he is actually earning the money and being paid on what he is actually doing. This teaches them that money comes from work. I use this spreadsheet as a guide and it works. We tally up every week and he gets...

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